Reischauer Center Director Kent E. Calder and Vice Admiral (Ret/JMSDF) Fumio Ota

Home | Discussion: Taiwan crisis is Japan’s crisis

Discussion: Taiwan crisis is Japan’s crisis

On February 2nd, 2022, Reischauer Center Director Kent E. Calder and Vice Admiral (Ret/JMSDF) Fumio Ota discussed the critical reasons why a Taiwan crisis is Japan’s crisis.

Admiral Ota highlighted several points as to why Japan is concerned: namely, the country’s dependence on trade and energy passing by Taiwan, the PLAAF’s improved military strength and proximity, and the short geographic distance between Taiwan and Japanese sovereign territory, such as the Yonaguni Island, off the west of Okinawa. Based on a Taiwan contingency, Adm. Ota outlined Japan’s potential responses and answered questions about Japan’s economic, military, and diplomatic challenges associated with a Taiwan crisis. Overall, the admiral stressed the importance of strengthening the U.S.-Japan alliance and its planning, increasing economic engagement with Taiwan, and resisting political pressure from the People’s Republic of China.

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