G7 Leaders' Summits and Japan: Past, Present, and Future

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G7 Leaders’ Summits and Japan: Past, Present, and Future

On October 6, 2022, Dr. Kotaro Shirojiri, the former Chief of Staff to the Japanese Ambassador to the US and a current Visiting Scholar at the Reischauer center, SAIS, discussed the structure and role of the G6/7/8 summits.

He explored the importance of the G7 as a “fireside chat” and the opportunity this environment provides for world leaders to establish a mutual understanding of the priorities of the individual participating leaders. He also examined the role of Sherpas and Yaks in the planning and execution of the G7 events. Additionally, he reviewed the history of the G6/7/8 in its various forms and the changing trends surrounding its membership as well as the system by which host-nations are determined, and agendas are set. He also explored the history of Japan’s role in the G6/7/8 summits, its past leaders, and their agendas. Finally, he turned towards Japan’s role as the host of the upcoming Hiroshima G7 summit in 2023 as well as the likely agenda for the summit.

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